Sunday 28 September 2014

Showcase Sunday #14: Us by David Nicholls

Us - David Nicholls*

 Showcase Sunday is hosted by the lovely Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. It's a chance for bloggers to show of their weekly book swag and an opportunity to meet other bloggers and talk about all things bookish! 
Good morning, bookworms! 
I've got a very exciting Showcase Sunday post for you this week - I received a signed copy of Us by David Nicholls. 

I first became aware of David Nicholls' books a couple of years ago when I first read One Day. I was hooked ever since and read his previous books - which is why I was so excited when I discovered that a fourth was in the works. 

Us follows the story of Douglas Petersen who is desperately trying to keep his family together as his son leaves home for university and his wife drops the bombshell that she's leaving, too... In true David Nicholls fashion I can image this book being both heartbreaking and hilarious in equal measure - my favourite type of book!

I can't wait to start reading this and it's taking everything in me to not completely abandon my current read in favour of Us. (Let's be honest, that will probably still happen!)

Us will be released 30th September so make sure you keep an eye out for it in your local book shop. 

I'd love to know what books you've gotten this week - leave your Showcase Sunday links in the comments.
*Thanks so much to Bookbridgr and Hodder & Stoughton for sending me this copy for review! 
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  1. Ah, I'm so glad this is available soon, I've been wanting to read it for ages! I loved One Day (so much better than the film) so I'm hoping this will be worth the wait and just as good!

    1. I'm about 30 pages in and I'm already loving it! :) x

  2. I've got the proof of Us and can't wait to start reading it either! Lucky you for getting your hands on a signed copy! x

    Tamsin / A Certain Adventure

  3. Awesome! I can't wait to get this and start reading.


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