Friday 23 January 2015

National Handwriting Day

Writing is quickly becoming a lost art form. Don't believe me? Okay, when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone? ...Yeah, I thought so!
My friend, who's a teacher, told me yesterday that so many schools are replacing handwriting lessons with IT classes and soon English Language classes will be based in a computer suite. Learning to write and improving my handwriting was one of my favourite activities when I was growing up. In fact, I'd always practice throughout the summer holidays, I loved it so much.
It's heartbreaking to me that the joy I felt when writing won't be experienced by the next generation. To make sure that I never fall into this trap, I'm going to start practicing my handwriting and writing freehand more and what better time to start - it is National Handwriting Day, after all! 
One of my goals for 2015 is to write more often and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Each day I will write down a thought, observation or just gibberish that will only make sense to me. Who knows, it might even help me with some novel ideas. God knows, I need some!

It's time to start actually using up all of my beautifully blank notebooks that I've had lying around for an embarrassingly long time. I've always had a stigma that everything written down needs to be perfect! Well, that barrier comes down today! Who's with me?
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  1. Ah, my handwriting is shocking! I don't form a lot of my letters properly so generally you need to read the word in the context of the sentence to work out what it is! When I'm writing a letter I do try to write properly, I think most of my friends know to sort of squint to make the writing come together! I have lots of unused notebooks too, really use make an effort to use them...

    1. I struggle with the notebook thing. I think that if I'm writing something silly or messy I'm "ruining" them! x

  2. My handwriting is the worst and I tend to use a digital calendar & to do list so I rarely practise. It's something I want to get better at though and you're right it doesn't need to be perfect all the time! xo

    1. The main reason I want to practice more is so I can look back at my notebooks in a few years time. :) x

  3. My handwriting varies between being lovely, and being illegible. I've never thought of it as being neat (I was the last to move from pencil to pen at primary school!), but it definitely suits me!
    Beth x

  4. I have terrible handwriting, even though I write every single day. love writing in my notebooks, and rather write out my to do list on paper than use an app. I also really love those highlighter pens!!! Where did you get them from?

    1. They're from Paperchase. I've got some Russian doll ones too. :) x


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