Wednesday 4 February 2015

How to celebrate Library Lovers Month

In the US, February is not only the month of romantic love, but book love, too! It's the time to show your local library some well-deserved TLC with a visit or two (or three or four...)

As far as I'm aware of, this month isn't celebrated in the UK, but there's no reason not to! And now's a good a time as any; My favourite library, the Library of Birmingham, only opened last year, and there's already been a lot of proposed budget cuts which would mean no new books, 100 staff redundancies and opening hours being cut. 

I know that this is happening to library all over the country and I find it deeply saddening. Despite this, it's been a few months since I've been to one. I'm definitely guilty of neglecting my local libraries and this needs to be rectified.

Flash back to the days of dial up internet, and I practically lived in my local one. It's where I used the computer, borrowed CDs and discovered some of my favourite books! I can't imagine a world without libraries and for that reason alone, it's worth celebrating Library Lovers Month.
And here's just a few ways you can show your library some love this February:

1. Borrow books

It seems an obvious one, but in the digital obsessed age with information so readily available at our fingertips, it's sometimes easier to browse Goodreads or Amazon for book recommendations. But it's not about what's easy, it's about what's enjoyable. You're more than likely going to forget the time you spent hours on your laptop but you won't forget how much fun it was to explore the newest book releases in the library! Plus, if you really can't bear to be away from the internet, think about it this way: libraries are just like Netflix for books!

2. Go to an event

Libraries aren't the static and quiet places they once were. There's book readings, clubs and workshops. The Library of Birmingham even has yoga sessions! Take a look on your local library's website to see if there's anything interesting happening that you might have missed, or better still, go in and talk to a librarian! They'll be more than happy to help you out.

3. Start a book club

A lot of libraries have study or meeting spaces which would make the ideal setting for a book club. Rather than meeting at a coffee shop or somebody's house, discuss great books while surrounded by them. It sounds perfect to me! 

4. Donate your old books

We've all got old books that we either didn't enjoy or won't read again. Rather than have them littering up your bookshelf, why not donate them? Your old books could be someones favourite and any library would be grateful for new stock.

5. Volunteer at your look library

If you've got some spare time, why not donate an hour or two to a struggling library? With all of the budget cuts, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to have an extra pairs of hands helping out. Plus, you'll get to spend all day organising books. The thought of which sends my OCD tendancies and my love of books into overdrive!

How will you be celebrating Library Lovers Month?
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  1. My local library celebrates library day (it's on Saturday I think) so there are UK-based book celebrations too! I really neglect the library though - because I am a book snob, I hate those protective covers. I will definitely be visiting this weekend though!
    Beth x

    1. I must admit, the protective covers do put me off too. But I love exploring the shelves. Everything's laid out so much nicer than in bookshops. :) x

  2. I've always loved libraries, I tend to pop in once a week or so to see the new books they have available. It's also free! If I choose a book and don't like it, it doesn't matter, I haven't wasted £7 buying the paperback! My library has a knitting group, which I'm quite keen to investigate further. Yes, libraries are a great asset to the community!

    1. Wow. That sounds cool. I've wanted to learn knitting for a while. I'll have to check to see if mine has one. :) x


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