Sunday 16 February 2014

Showcase Sunday #1

I'm so happy to be writing my first Showcase Sunday post. SS is a weekly event hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. It's a chance for bloggers to showcase what books we've accumulated over the week. It is also a great opportunity to meet other like-minded bloggers and have a good nose through the books they've received too! I must admit, I'm a very nosey person, and love to get inspiration on what books to read next from other bloggers. 

I've always loved Vicky's blog, and since my blog has been live, she's been nothing but friendly and welcoming to me. I've always loved the Showcase Sunday posts, but never felt like I had enough books to show on a weekly basis. But boy, do I this week! 

1) Amity & Sorrow by Peggy Riley 
2) The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger 
3) The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer

All of these books were given to me for different reasons, and I found it funny that they all seemed to have been given to me at the same time. (The little neat freak living inside of me also really enjoys the fact that all of these books are colour coordinated! What a lovely coincidence.) 

As explained in my previous post, The Shock of the Fall was given to me by my boyfriend for Valentine's and International Book Giving Day. And after looking up some other Showcase Sunday posts, it seems that a lot of us have been given TSotF this week so it'll be really interesting to see everybody's differing opinions on this book once we've all read it. 

What I got in the post:

I was lucky enough to be sent Amity & Sorrow through speaking to the lovely author Peggy Riley on Twitter. Thank you again Peggy for this book, I seriously cannot wait to read it! It's about two teenage girls who have been rescued from a cult their father ran. It sounds like it's going to be a pulse raising thriller. The types of books you can't put down because you have to know what happens. 

And I anonymously received The Time Travelers Wife as I had taken part in LeeLeeLoves Blind Date with a Book. The idea was simple, we were each given a name and an address, and we all had to anonymously send out a book for our chosen "date" to receive on Valentine's day. And I was lucky enough to receive mine on the love day itself. 

I have been meaning to read this book for a while, as I was somewhat disappointed with the film, but heard that the book was miles better. I was also so touched to have an attached note from my anonymous book valentine! (On a CAT post-it note! CATS! I feel like this person already knows me!)

I've stuck the post-it note on the inside of the book cover now to prevent it from getting lost or folded. I think it's so lovely that my blind date attached a little note about why this book was chosen for me, and I want to keep it with the book for as long as I can.

Participating in the book blind date was such a nice experience. It's lovely to know that someone you've never met would go through the effort of buying and sending a book to you. It's also a great way to read books that you might not have chosen yourself. I would definitely get involved with another book blind date or book swap again, I absolutely loved it!

I'd love to know what books you've received this week. Drop off your Showcase Sunday links or just tell me what books you've brought, borrowed or been gifted this week! 

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  1. Looks like loads of us got The Shock of the Fall this week!

    1. It's definitely getting around, isn't it? I'm looking forward to seeing everybody's opinions of it. :)

  2. Awesome haul. I havent heard of any of these but will definitely check them out :)

    1. The Time Travelers Wife is probably the most well-known one. Having not read any of these yet, that one would probably be the best one to check out :)

  3. Oh The Time Traveler's Wife. Love that book.
    And you're right, The Shock of the Fall is definitely making the rounds this week.
    Happy reading!

    1. I can't wait to start reading it. I'm so glad my book blind date ended up being a book I've been wanting to read for a while. :)

  4. Ooh, I really enjoyed Amity and Sorrow, though there were some definite mixed opinions on it! The writing style is a little unexpected, but once I got into it I ended up loving it. I hope you like it :)

    The Blind Date with a Book is a great idea! I haven't read The Time Traveler's Wife, but one of my best friends has recently rediscovered a love of reading partially thanks to reading and loving it so it's definitely on my list!

    1. I'll have to let you know next time someone hosts a book blind date or a book swap. Do you have Twitter? :)

      And wow, that's brilliant that your friend reads more thanks to The Time Travelers Wife. I can't wait to start reading it. I've got very high hopes now!

  5. aw this is brilliant! really do love the idea of the blind date with a book though!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. I'll have to let you know next time I hear about a book blind date/book swap :) x

  6. Amity & Sorrow sounds wonderful! I'm putting it on my book list. I couldn't get into The Time Traveler's Wife so I'll be interested to see what you think about it. I'm currently reading The Smitten Book Club (romance) and am really enjoying it. Dark Places is next on my pile- a thriller! Lori

    1. I'm looking forward to reading Dark Places too. I really enjoyed Gone Girl. Have you read any of Gillian Flynn's other books? :)

  7. Great haul, Amanda! Amity and Sorrow sounds really interesting! Happy reading!

    1. Thank you for checking it out :) I'm looking forward to reading Amity and Sorrow! x

  8. This is such a fun feature :) I love see what books people get/buy! Hope you're having a great week!

    1. I love seeing what other people have brought too. I'm nosey that way! xx


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