Sunday 23 February 2014

Showcase Sunday #2

Showcase Sunday is hosted by the lovely Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. It's a chance for bloggers to show off their weekly book related swag and an opportunity to meet other bloggers and talk about all things books!

I've not brought that many books this week, as my TBR pile is growing and growing at a pace that I cannot keep up with! However, I couldn't resist getting these two books, as I'd been wanting to read them for a while. Firstly I managed to get an e-book of Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. I completely adored Gone Girl and I'm looking forward to reading Gillian's debut novel. I have a feeling that this book is going to be another brilliant psychological thriller. 

I got my hands on this e-book thanks to Galaxy chocolate who are offering a free Kindle e-book with every chocolate bar. The special offer bars are quite hard to find, so if you manage to see some, snap them up quickly! They're a great offer as you get two of my favourite things - chocolate and books!!

The second book is 31 Songs by Nick Hornby. I spotted this gem yesterday at a second hand record store that my boyfriend had taken me into. Nick Hornby is one of my all-time-favourite authors, so I was very pleased to find this as a hard-back version, as I'd almost brought the paperback last week. It's also in very good condition despite it being second hand. Some of the colour has faded on the front, but I think that it gives it character. 

This book is all about the songs that Nick Hornby holds dear, and why. I love the idea of this book. I think it's so interesting to learn about other people's music taste and how people associate their songs with their life experiences. One of the favourite things is to go through my friends iPod or iTunes library and asking why they like each songs. It's really fun, I'd recommend it!

I'd love to know what you've all brought or been given this week. Let me know, or leave your Showcase Sunday links in the comments! 

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  1. Chocolate and books?! What?!? I want that!!! :D Sounds totally awesome!
    Glad you found the chocolate. :D I love the look of Sharp Objects. I haven't read any of Flynn's books yet but plan to soon :)
    Happy reading!

  2. I have been looking EVERYWHERE for those chocolate bars since the deal launched and haven't found one :( The "win a kindle every hour" ones are everywhere though. Boo. I don't want a kindle, I want the kindle books!

    Happy reading :) 31 Songs sounds SO interesting.

    1. I found them in WHSmiths, so that might be the best place to find them! :) x

  3. Yummy!! Chocolate and a free book!!! Ive not read Gone Girl but have heard great things about it. I havent read any Hornby either but definitely must. Enjoy :)

    1. Hornby's one of my favourites :) and Gone Girl is superb! :) x

  4. That's true, books and chocolate. Some of the only things you need in life! :)
    I've yet to read a Flynn book. Must get on that.
    Great little haul. :)
    Happy reading!

    1. You should definitely read some of Flynn's stuff. Gone Girl is brilliant! :)

  5. I am excited to read Sharp Objects too!
    New follower :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. You'll have to let me know when you read it :) x

  6. Not heard of those books but am sure they will be great. Hope you enjoy your new books :)

  7. Sharp Objects is one of those books I've been thinking about reading for ages! Let us know what you think of it! :)

    1. I'll write up a review as soon as I've finished. :)


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