Friday 18 April 2014

Book-to-film adaptations I'm looking forward to in 2014

I can't even cope with the amount of films I want to see this year. A lot of my favourite reads have been turned into movies that will be gracing the silver screen in 2014. Here are the ones that I am most looking forward to:

NUMBER 3: Before I Go to Sleep by SJ Watson 

There isn't an official film trailer just yet, so we're going to have to make do with the book advertisement. I'm currently reading this, I've only got about another 50 pages to go, and it's incredibly gripping! Imagine 5o First Dates but evil! Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth are starring in the remake, so it's set to be a good one! 

NUMBER 2: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl was one of my favourite books I read last year, and have been looking forward to the film adaptation as soon as I heard about it. CAN'T WAIT! 

NUMBER 1: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

OF COURSE. This is the film every bookworm is looking forward to. The book is superb. If you haven't picked up yet, do so. (That's an order!) I cried at the trailer... I have a feeling I'm going to be very emotional when I watch this. Okay? Okay.

What films are you looking forward to this year? Let me know! 

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1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I am so behind on upcoming Book To Film adaptions! I can't wait to see The Fault In Our Stars though! :) Nice choices!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination


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