Saturday 12 April 2014

BOOK GIVEAWAY! The Three by Sarah Lotz

Four disasters. Three survivors. A message that will change the world. 

The Three, written by Sarah Lotz, follows the events of Black Thursday. The day that four passenger planes crashed at almost the exact same time in four different parts of the world. 

Four survivors. Three are children. The fourth only lived long enough to record a voice message on her phone. A message that changes everything. 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I was up to something: I was planning my first blog giveaway! 

I've been reading a lot more crime and thriller books recently and The Three sounds right up my street. Think Stephen King meets Lost! If you love thrillers, mysteries and suspense, then The Three should definitely feature on your reading list. 

The Three isn't officially released until May 22nd, however, I'm happy to announce that Hodder and Stoughton have been kind enough to team up with Adventures of the Bookshelf and we'll be giving away a copy of the book to one lucky reader to devour before release date!! 

The giveaway will run for a week and there's lots of different ways to enter. Each task is worth a different amount of entries, the more you complete, the more chance you'll have of winning. 

Fancy winning yourself a copy? Then enter your details in the Rafflecopper form below:
Competition is UK only and closes on 12am on 19th April. Get your entries in quick!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure you download the The Three eBook sampler here and if it has really grabbed your attention, you can pre-order now on Amazon.

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  1. Yeah! Grats on your first blog giveaway. :)

    I love Stephen King and Lost so fingers crossed!

  2. Sounds like a really interesting story :)

  3. This book sounds fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway! Lori

  4. The book sounds intriguing. Thanks for the give away.

  5. I am sad I am not in the UK cause this is an awesome giveaway! I am adding this book to my TBR now!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  6. gosh this books sounds really interesting. i bet its a fab read

  7. This book sounds amazing, it really does sound like a perfect thriller storyline.

  8. Thanks for alerting me to this giveaway Amanda :) Super excited to read this. I can really see it being turned into a movie down the pipeline from the sampler alone!

    Tamsin xx | Lignin And Petrichor

  9. This sounds like such a great read!! I'd love to know what happens to the three children, I'm so curious now! I haven't read a book like this in ages so it'll be good to read something different :)

  10. Sounds pretty fascinating.. :)

  11. Thanks for the amazing giveaway Amanda. Sounds like a fantastic read!

  12. Ooh, that book sounds awesome! I love a good crime/mystery book, and this one sounds very different to what I've read before! Great giveaway!

  13. Looks like a great book! Dying to read it!

  14. I'm always running out of reading matter.

  15. I would love to read the book to find out what the message on the phone was & how it changed everything


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