Saturday 3 January 2015

2015 Book Goals

We're three days into 2015! Hands up if you've broken any of your New Year's resolutions yet... *hand slowly creeps up*. I think it would probably be best if we all started again on Monday morning.

I'm so excited to now be outlining my reading goals for this year. I'm determined to make this year an exciting and successful one and what with moving out of my Mom's and in with my boyfriend, I'm certain that it will be.

As for my book goals, I've got a couple in mind. Last year, I attempted to read a book or poem from each writer on my Waterstones calendar. I managed to read 9 out of 12 which is a lot more than expected! I also managed to complete NaNoWriMo and my Goodreads reading challenge of reading 25 books in 2014. So overall, a successful year!

However, this year I have a whole new challenge in mind. 

I'm going to attempt a book buying ban for six months! (Que the scary music.) As I have about a million books that are lying ignored on my TBR pile, I thought I'd cut that number down by attempting to not buy any books until the end of June.

I contemplated trying to hold out for the whole year but the thought of being away from book shops for that long filled me with dread.

The rules:

- I'm allowed to receive books as gifts from friends and family. (But I'm not allowed to ask for them)

- I'm allowed to receive books from publishers and/or authors (but I'm not allowed to request them)

- I'm allowed to borrow books from friends and the library  

- I can buy books as gifts for other people however I'm under no circumstances am I allowed to buy any books for myself.  

What have I gotten myself in to?!

I'm also going to up my GoodReads reading challenge goal to 40 books this year. So, I better get a wiggle on and start reading!

What are your reading goals for this year?

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  1. Oh my God... How will you cope?! What are you doing???
    Don't get me wrong, I admire the sentiment, but... no books for six months? Unthinkable!
    I wish you luck!
    Beth x

    1. Thank you. I'm already regretting it. At least I have an excuse now to read all of my unread books! :) x

  2. Sounds like a good challenge! I have so many books waiting to be read, I clearly bought them (or was given them) for a reason, so I ought to get on and read them! Good luck!

    1. Haha. That's the exact same with me. Thanks - I'm going to need all the luck I can get! x

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. It's going to be a challenge! X

  4. My to-read list is also ridiculous, but I don't actually buy books any more, so I can't start a book buying ban! I should probably stop requesting review copies though, that's where most of my pile has come from!

    Good luck, looking forward to seeing how you get on!

    1. Thank you. I'm sure I'll be regretting it next time I enter a Waterstones! x

  5. 6 months! Wow, brave decision, lovely - but good luck with it. <3 I don't buy a ridiculous amount of books, but I don't think I could go on a book buying ban. I really need to reduce my TBR pile, though. I have so many unread books!

    1. That's my exact problem: too many books! Although I am prone to a book buying binge or two so it's probably about time I tested out my will power... Haha. x

  6. A 6-month long spending ban on books?! Very good luck with that. I barely managed a month of that last year, though I actually I may need to go on one, too. Though Kindle books don't count for me; I genuinely have zero room left for any more books here. Good luck!

    My reading goal for 2015 is to read mainly female authors. I've just read Mary Poppins and I'm on to a Kay Scarpetta one now :)

    Sterling, XLeptodactylous

    1. Ooh, that's a great goal to aim to. I'd recommend Alice Oseman if you haven't read Solitaire already. :)

  7. Wow, 6 months! That's some serious ban hehe l.

  8. After reading this I am going to attempt a six month ban too - I'll only buy books if they're for university. Best of luck!

    1. Oh wow. That's brilliant. You'll have to let me know how you get on and how many books you manage to read. :)

  9. I tried doing this it only lasted for 3 months :)

    1. I doubt I'll even last until then at this rate. I'm already really regretting my decision! haha. x

  10. 6 months! Wow! I've told myself that I'm not allowed to buy any new books until I've read all the TBR ones on my shelf. There's 45, which isn't a lot to some, but when I think about not buying books it seems huge! xD

    1. Yeah, that would seem pretty big to me too.

      Loads of people at work have started lending me some of theirs so it's not too bad :) x


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