Monday 12 May 2014

Because I'm happy...

When you're not feeling 100%, it's important to remind yourself of the little things that make you feel positive.

Here's a selection of things that make me happy:

Congratulations if you can read my handwriting. You win at life.

I'd love to know what makes you happy. Let me know by either commented or tweeting me @amandajtweets.

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  1. I can read your writing no problem! I like it :) Singing in the car is always good as you can just sing away at the top of your voice! Or at least I do

    1. I do that too. I pretend that no one can hear me and just belt it out! Haha.

  2. Hi Amanda, I hope you're well. It was seeing this post on my facebook news feed that lead me to your blog. After reading Amanda's Happy List I continued to read other articles you've written and peruse your photos, achievements and comments from other bloggers. I've never been into blogs before but as I really enjoyed yours I've decided to let them into my life! :) I like how you write simply, eloquently and with honesty! While I admit I am not an avid reader like yourself, your blog is refreshing and put a smile on my face. so thank you! I noticed a comment you wrote about teacher training - I too went through the ordeal of teacher training and recently resigned from my first teaching job due to the stresses and strains it put on my life (and my family). During the time I've had so far to recover, I've noticed more and more how creativity helps me feel happy and calm ... I've begun writing poetry again, reading more and have even taken up sewing and knitting! Although I feel slightly 'grannified' as I'm not really an 'artyfarty' person (!!!), the arts are a real release and I just wanted to take the time to thank you for putting your blog into the world. It has made a difference to my day and, as I said earlier, I will continue to venture further into the blogging world :) Keep writing! George x


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