Sunday, 30 November 2014

NaNoWriMo - Week 4 update: I DID IT!

I did it! I slayed the 50,000 word count dragon just in the nick of time. 
It's the last full day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I was starting to lose hope that I would hit my word count goal but I did it!!! (Internal screaming and dancing)
I now fully understand why some people do this every year. It feels great to have achieved my goal but I'm a long way off from a finish novel. I've got a lot of revisions to do! My manuscript as it stands is all in different pieces. I need to go through it all and link all of my different plot lines together. There's a lot of work to be done still but I'm so excited!

This experience has proven exactly how much I'm able to achieve in just one month and I have no intention of stopping. My plan at the moment is to read as many books from my favourite authors as I can for the rest of the year and allow myself to be inspired again. It's going to be nice not having a looming word count over my head.

And I can start blogging regularly again - I've really missed it! 

I hope everybody who has participated has managed to hit their goals today but if not, that's okay too. You'll feel just as incredible reaching that 50k in December or January. The most important thing is that you enjoyed yourself! Writing is fun and should be enjoyed, that's what NaNoWriMo is all about.

Now, excuse me while I buy lots of new books to celebrate!
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