Wednesday 7 May 2014

BEDM Day 7: Gadgets!

Hello again! 

It seems like only yesterday I was here posting here - oh, wait... 

I must admit, I thought for a moment that I wouldn't find time to blog today but I've forced myself and very glad I did! (I refuse to let 'Blog Every Day in May' beat me!) 

Today's topic is gadgets, so I thought I'd share some of the tools that help me with this blog. 

Firstly, my laptop. That's pretty self-explanatory one. I write all of my posts, edit photographs and store information and projects on it. I use the calendar feature a lot for work, personal and blogging. I'd be lost without it! 

I've also been using my iPad a lot more recently. I find it perfect for browsing other blogs and commenting on them. It's been great using it to check up on everybody else's BEDM progress!

And last my phone. Of course. I get my emails, blog notifications and personal texts through this. I also use it to note down ideas that automatically sync to my laptop and phone so that I don't forget them. 

I love my gadgets, but I also think it's important to put some time aside every day to unplug. It's sometimes hard to have "you" time when there's notifications flashing all over the place. So, that's something I'm trying to do a bit more often this month, too.

What are your favourite gadgets and what do you use them for? I'd love to know! 

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