Sunday 9 March 2014

Get involved with the Book Chat!

Calling all of my fellow book fanatics, the lovely Zara at Chapter 394 and Saira at Growing Wings are launching a weekly book chat on Twitter. The first chat will be on Wednesday 12th March, and the topic will be about our favourite sidekicks in books. (I have quite a few lined up!)

I've always been a little envious of other blogging communities using Twitter to conduct large group conversations, which is why I'm so happy that Zara and Saira have set this up! If you want to get involved make sure you follow the main Twitter page @BookChats and use the hashtag #bookchat. I'm looking forward to speaking to you all and meeting some new people!

The first book chat will be this coming Wednesday (12th March 2014) at 7pm GMT for an hour. I'm hoping to see you all there. Let me know if you can make it! 

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  1. ooh so excited! a great idea for a blog chat too!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. I know. I'm really looking forward to hearing who everyone's favourite sidekick is. :) x

  2. 7pm GMT? Pretty sure I can make that! This is such an awesome idea, I look forward to it!

    1. Brilliant. It'd be lovely to see you there! :) x

  3. I have recently made a book blog, so I've been looking for ways to meet other bloggers - this sounds great! I would love to be involved in the next chat :-)


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