Sunday 30 March 2014

Mom's Reading: The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort
It's Mother's Day in the UK, and to celebrate I'm introducing a one-off feature on the blog called Mom's Reading. Currently my mom's reading The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort - and won't stop banging on about it!

One thing you should know about my mom is that she loves tales of money and corruption. The Godfather is her favourite film and she would relish a day visiting the stock market. We saw the film together not so long ago, and she completely abandoned the last book she was reading in favour for the wolf. 

If you have somehow missed all of the hype surrounding the film (perhaps you have been living in a cave...), it follows the true story of Jordan Belfort, the self-proclaimed "wolf" of Wall Street. He made thousands of dollars a minute and to quote Tinie Tempah, lived "a very very very wild lifestyle."

"Was all of this legal? Absolutely not!" the film trailer exclaims. But how does the book compare? According to my mom, it's much better than the film. She's really enjoying it and has said that it's hilariously written and gives a great insight into the New York finance district. Apparently, the book is even more outrageous than the film, which is hard to believe.

I haven't read this read yet, but I really enjoyed the film. And after all of the positive praise my mom's given this book, I don't think I'll be disappointed! 

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  1. I haven't read this either. I saw the film. It was good but very long winded! Tell your mom to watch the movie after she reads the book then she can do a guest post about comparing the two :D

    1. I didn't think it was long winded, it didn't feel like 3 hours to me. Haha. She's enjoying the book a lot more than the film. :)

  2. Huh! Well, if the book is better than the film I feel as though I should see the film first! There's nothing like being let down by a film after you've fallen in love with the book.

    My Mum is currently reading 'The Fault in our Stars' because she hasn't read at all since she's needed glasses and wants an easy read to get back into the swing of things.


    1. Haha. I've always thought it was better to read the book first, but you're absolutely right. I've never thought about it that way before.

      I hope you're mom is enjoying TFiOS! :) x

  3. This series is a fab idea! I really want to read the book so I'm glad your mum speaks highly of it! :)

  4. You'll have to let me know as soon as you read it! :) x

  5. This is a great idea for a post :D I'm glad your Mum is enjoying her book, I haven't read it or seen the film! Would love to hear her thoughts :)

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. It's brilliant. I'd highly recommend the film! :)


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