Friday 7 March 2014

I graduated!

First of all I'd like to say a quick sorry for being rather quiet on the blog and Twitter this week. It's been a rather busy time for me as I graduated Wednesday! Alongside work, I spent most of my weekend running around like a mad woman trying to prepare for it. 

Although I got my results back in July 2013, Birmingham City University always have their graduation ceremonies quite a few months afterwards. It was brilliant to see all of my university friends again and the ceremony was amazing including appearances from Jeff Lynne and Laura Mvula!

If you'd have told me during my first year at university that I would be graduating with a first class honours, I wouldn't have believed you. It was a very emotional day for me and I'm glad that I got to spend it with all the people that matter most to me.

After the ceremony we went to Jamie's Italian in Birmingham. I'd never been there before and it was such a treat. All of the staff were so friendly and were asking me all about my graduation, and the food was so good!

I hope you're all having a lovely week. Let me know what you've been up to in the comments. 

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  1. Yay! Congratulations Amanda! It must feel amazing! Awesome pictures.

  2. What a proud day for you and your family!
    What degree did you do?!

    1. Media and Communication. Can't believe it's all over! :)

  3. Massive congratulations! You look like you had a fantastic day!

    1. Thanks Zara. I had a really great time! :)

  4. Ooh congrats! When I graduate, it'll only be in November (and I'll leave uni in May) - I thought that was late!

    1. Haha. I think BCU might hold the record for the longest time in-between results and graduation ceremony! It gave me a long time to prepare my outfit though. :)


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