Sunday 23 March 2014

Showcase Sunday #5: Precious Thing by Colette McBeth

Showcase Sunday is hosted by the lovely Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. It's a chance for bloggers to show of their weekly book swag and an opportunity to meet other bloggers and talk about all things bookish! 

I had a lovely surprise waiting for me in the letter box yesterday morning, it was my first book from Bookbridgr

If you're a book blogger that hasn't yet signed up to the Bookbridgr network yet, I'd highly recommend it. It gives bloggers the chance to request books to review on their blogs. The site hosts a range of different genres, authors and book tours. 

When I first signed up and noticed Precious Thing, I knew I had to make a request. It's a psychological thriller that has been compared to Gone Girl in some reviews. Colette McBeth explores the theme of jealousy in female friendships and has been quoted that her main source of inspiration came from a friendship she had herself whilst in school. 

I'm really looking forward to reading this! I haven't read many psychological thrillers, but the one's I have I've really enjoyed. I have high hopes for this. 

Let me know what books you've brought, borrowed or received this week! 

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  1. Isn't Bookbridgr brilliant? It makes it so much easier to request books and see what's coming up in the next few months! I've reviewed two titles of them so far (A Heart Bent Out of Shape + Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock), both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. Hope you enjoy Precious Thing too!

    My Showcase Sunday this week:

    1. I didn't realise Forgive me, Leonard Peacock was on Bookbridgr. I've been wanting to read that for a while, it sounds brilliant!

    2. Yes, it's the first one I saw and I instantly requested it as I too wanted to read it for a while. It's even more amazing that I expected it to be, so if it's still up there do request it!

    3. Thanks for the heads up! I'm going to see if I can request it now. :)

  2. I absolutely LOVE bookbridgr! It's so easy to use and oh it's just wonderful :) I really hope you enjoy Precious Thing, it sounds amazing :)

    Happy Sunday!

    Megan xxx

    My Showcase Sunday if you would like to look :)

    1. It's brilliant isn't it? Definitely going to try and use it more often :) x

  3. Great! I wish I could use Bookbridgr, it's UK only at the moment. Someday. ^^
    I hope you enjoy this one!

    1. Fingers crossed that it'll be available for you you soon! :)

  4. It sounds fabulous, but it's not here in the states yet? Boo. This books sounds amazing and is going straight on my reading list! :) Thanks! BTW, I'm hosting a gorgeous giveaway on my blog so please stop by to enter, sweets! Lori

    1. Ooh. Sounds brilliant. I'll make sure to check it out! :)

  5. Oh, sounds totally interesting! I'll keep an eye out for your review.
    Happy reading!

    1. Thank you. I can't wait to get started with it. x

  6. I've been loving Bookbridgr! Definitely a brilliant website. I read Precious Thing too and really enjoyed it!

    1. Ooh. I'm looking forward to reading it even more after your recommendation! :)


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