Tuesday 25 March 2014

Reading on the train...

Last week I started my first full time job! It's all very exciting and I'm really enjoying this new chapter of my life. My job is in the city, so until I move out, I'm spending quite a lot of time on trains. And although they are often very cramped during rush hour, I'm enjoying the journeys as I'm seeing it as an opportunity to read! 

It's only recently that I've realised what a wasted opportunity it is to spend twenty minutes on a train on your phone. Carrie Hope Fletcher made an excellent point in one of her recent videos about people becoming too dependant on their phones. I couldn't agree more, we're currently living in an "iPhone generation", and to try and tear myself away from that, I'm making sure that I never board a train without a book!

I'm usually quite a slow reader, as I like to savour every word but since I've made a promise to myself to read on trains, I've managed to almost finish a book in a week and I've not read this book any other time than when I'm on a train.

I've also stuck up a lot more conversations with people. I've had people on a few occasions ask me about what book I'm reading because they're thinking of buying it. That wouldn't have happened if I'd have spent the entire journey on Twitter. 

So, if you're looking for a way of fitting in more reading time, start reading on public transport. It'll surprise you on how quickly you'll manage to finish books! 
The only downside is that you'll probably have people reading over your shoulder... Do you think you'll start reading more on public transport? Let me know! 
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  1. My partner and I live an hours train ride away from our university so we have a lot of time to read on public transport! He reads on his kindle but I read paperbacks.

    It probably sounds silly but I do like to show off what I'm reading on the off-chance that it may spark a conversation with someone that has a recommendation for me.

    Congratulations on your full time job! I bet you'll be loving the pay.


    1. I started in the middle of the month, so it won't be full time pay until next month. But boy am I looking forward to it! I can't wait to start saving up to move out :)

      And I always hope that books will spark conversations with strangers. The Shock of the Fall has started three conversations now! x

  2. I'm the same as you, I used to spend my entire journey listening to music or just staring into space but I started taking a book with me every time I go to London. It usually takes me about an hour to get to Zone 1 but even though I'm a slow reader like you, I still manage to read about 50 pages. :)

    People never started talking to me, though! (Although the tube isn't that crowded at weekends so normally there's no one near me)

    1. It's strange, I never thought you'd get through it so quickly by just reading on a train. I feel like everyone should know about this! Haha.

      Do you travel to London often? :) x

  3. I used to demolish books on the train but now it never happens as I never get the chance to go on a train alone. I have a few events without my children lined up though and those journeys will be spent reading!

    1. That will be fun for you. Which ones are you planning to read? :)

  4. I love reading on the train it's so peaceful-usually. I've got to admit I don't get through too much on a train within the 15/20minutes only usually about a chapter or twoo. But going down to London from Aberdeen next month will probably be a good time to read through a bunch of books!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. Let me know which books you end up taking. :) x

  5. I love reading on the train! So much more satisfying and relaxing than staring at a small screen. Hope the job is going well :)
    Claire xx | somewhere... beyond the sea

    1. It's going really well, thank you. :) x


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